
ABS side and end wall panel

ABS doors, internal walls, ledges and centre beam panel

ABS roof

ABS bolster parts, steps and marker lights panel

ASB jig. Hand rails.

Styrene rod 1.6 dia. Toilet outlet pipe

Styrene strips .5 x 1mm 1 piece, .25 x 1mm x 2 pieces, .4 x 1mm x 2 pieces

Brass rod .25mm x 2 pieces

Cast Chassis

Cast guards comp step x 2 Brake cylinder protection frame x 1


3d Printed End girders x 4

3d Printed cross bearers x 4, bolster bearers x 2

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed roof fittings - vents large and small and chimney

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed Large water Tank 

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed Generator 2 pieces

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed Battery box

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed Twin air tanks

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed Brake cylinder assembly

Plastic bag cont. 3d Printed Periscopes x 2


Check all parts are present. Clean flashing etc. from parts as you go. Take care when removing the 3d printed parts from their supports. The 3d printed parts can be fragile. Dry fit prior to fixing parts together. Study the photographs and read the text to help understand the instructions. Gluing styrene to styrene to ABS and ABS to ABS use MEK or similar solvent type glues. When gluing the 3d printed parts superglue must be used. 

Identify the ABS internal walls. Both have rebated pockets representing the doors. These door pockets are to face into  the guards compartment. The guards compartment is the centre compartment. The curved section of the internal wall fits under the roof section. On the assembled walls there are ruts that accommodate these two internal walls.  To decide which wall is positioned into the ruts the modeller must study the area carefully. The guards compartment has two pairs of windows. One of the small windows will be the toilet window. One of the internal walls has a rut adjacent to the door pocket that accommodates the toilet cubicle. This rut must be closest to the small window. Therefore the other internal wall is near the larger window of the guards compartment. The bottom of the internal walls must be flush with the rebated section on the side walls. These sections are what accommodates the chassis. See 3rd photograph above. When satisfied glue the internal walls into position. Identify the ABS toilet cubicle wall. It has a 90 degree engraving to allow a 90 degree fold to form the corner of the wall. Glue and fold the wall into a 90 degree position and allow the glue to set. It would be wise to fit the cubicle wall late after internal painting and fitting of the toilet window are done.

Identify the ABS 4 walls and two ledges. The walls form a box. The rebates of both the end and side wall fit together so the join is flush. The ledge dictates which ends and side walls fit together. On the ledge there are two notches in the corners. The notches are furtherest from the end wall. Once satisfied the positioning glue an end with a side wall. Then insert the ledge and glue. Repeat for the other end and side walls. combine both corners and form the box with all walls. When satisfied with the positioning glue.

Carefully remove the 3d printed parts from their supports. The photographs and the PDF file will aid positioning. Use super glue when gluing 3d printed parts. Note the generator pair of legs straddles the chassis brace and the armature part of the generator needs to be cut to approximately 3mm in length. Fix the generator body into position and then set the armature. There are ruts for the positioning of the twin air tanks and mounting blocks for the brake cylinder and the battery box. Some sanding filing of the part may be required for a accurate fit. The water  tank has legs that sit in between the centre beams. Identify the dimple in the chassis for the toilet pipe outlet. Drill 1.6mm  throgh the chassis where this dimple is. Fit the styrene 1.6mm rod through  and expose 10 to 12 mm. Glue. Drill a 1mm hole for the provision on the bogies. 30TT  bogies are required for this model.

Identify the ABS hand rail jig. Identify the hand rail wire. The wire is placed into the tiny hole and bent around the flat of the jig and around in the v section. Cut and repeat. 8 hand rails are required. Study the model. Hand rails should be fitted each side of the guards door and at the ends of the of the side. There are small holes drilled to accommodated these hand rails. The holes may require re drilling. Use a .3 or .4 mm drill taking care not to brake the drill bit. Fit the hand rail using a spacer of about .5mm to clear the body of the model and glue.   

Paint and decal as per available photographs on line.

CA Brake Van

Series 1 and 2

Study the above photograph and open the PDF file to see the positioning of the roof fittings. The main thing is to place the small vent above the toilet cubicle. Glue all into position as shown.

Identify the ABS steps. Position these under the cargo doors so the bottom of the step is flush with the bottom edge of the model. When satisfied glue into position. Identify the cast guards door step. Position the guards door step under the guards door adjacent to the .25mm strip. When satisfied super glue into position. Identify the ABS marker lights. These are position into the cavity at each end of the side walls. The marker lights are difficult to place into position. Take care not to loose them. Some modification to the marker light may be necessary for a nice fit. When satisfied glue.

Study the photograph and the PDF file above. This will give you an good understanding where things go.

The overhang of the roof is removed so to be flush with the styrene strip. Scrap, file or sand so the roof and the styrene strip is flush. Use the .5mm styrene to fashion into shower strips above the doors. Use the apertures of the doors for length of the strip. glue the strip above the door of its edge adjacent to the roof. Identify the 3d printed end girder. The back of the girder that will be glue to the end wall needs to be filed or sanded flat. The girder is position into the rut on the end. The 45 degree end of the girder is at the bottom of the model. The series 1 model will require approximately .4mm filed from each end of the girder. position the girder under the roof in the correct position and glue using super glue. Glue all four into position.

Identify the ABS roof. On the roof there are a number of holes etc for the roof fittings. The larger of the holes are for the Periscopes. Identify the 3d printed periscopes. The periscopes must not be placed on the toilet side of the assembly. Carefully identify the positioning where the toilet is and fit the roof appropriately. The roof is to be placed symmetrically over the body assembly. Place the periscopes into position. They should fit against the internal walls. An even amount of overhang is sought over the ends and sides. Stabilise the position of the roof with the assembly with rubber bands. When satisfied glue.


Identify the cast chassis and the two centre beams. The centre beams are positioned along the centre plate on the cast chassis. There are ruts along the centre beams that accommodate mountings for the battery box and the brake cylinder. The are also ruts that accommodate the cross bearers. Study the frame of the chassis and the centre beams so these ruts and mountings marry. Do not glue. Identify the 3d printed cross bearers. The are two types. The thicker are for the bolster assemble and the thinner are standard. In the frame of the bearers there is a hole that caters for the rod that fixes on the end of the brake calipers. These holes should be on the non brake cylinder side of the chassis. When satisfied the positioning glue the bearers into position. The bolster assembly has two ABS parts to include with the cross bearers. Identify these two ABS parts. One is circular about 12 mm the other rectangle 2 x 10 mm. The rectangle part slides under the bearer in between the centre beams and the circular part sits over the top. Manoeuvre parts into position the should fit neatly. The smooth side of the circular part needs to be exposed so the bogie sits flat.


Identify the three sizes of styrene strip. The .4mm styrene is for under the roof eave. The .25mm is for the apron circumnavigating the model along the chassis line. The .5mm is for the Shower strip above all the doors. Take the .4mm strip and place flat under the roof eave along the side. Have the styrene adjacent to the roof snug. When satisfied glue into position. Trim ends flush. Take the .25 styrene. This strip is positioned above the engraving along the bottom of the sides. Use a scrap piece of wire clamped along the engraving and this will make positioning this strip easier. Once in position the strip sits against the wire and should be glued only sparingly and not at or near any of the doors. As soon as the glue is applied remove the wire. Apply more glue once the wire is removed but still keeping clear of the doors. Once set cut this strip at all door apertures flush with the edges of the wall. Apply more glue if neccessary. The .25mm strip is also applied on the ends of the body assembly. Glue into position and trim flush with the strip on the side. Also trim the strip where the end girders fit into their ruts.

Identify the doors. Identify the rebate part on the window for the glazing. The door must be fitted into position with the sides and the rebate for the glazing must face inwards so not seen from the outer of the model.