Bluestone Goods Shed

Check all parts are present. - You should have the following:-

2 end walls

2 side walls

2 roof pieces

1 piece adhesive tape

1 internal brace approx 190 x 110

2 lengths gutter

2 bluestone panels  approx 55 x 48

2 facias

2 gabled roof braces

10 wall panels approx 55 x 30  (2 wood panels, 1 bluestone panel with window aperture, 7 bluestone panels)

1 plastic bag cont. 1 window and glazing

1 plastic bag cont. 4 buttress covers

1 plastic bag cont. 2 circular window frames

1 plastic bag cont. 2 bluestone arches

1 plastic bag containing 8 small gutter supports

1 plastic bag cont. 2 brass rods


There is an album in the Section 8 facebook page dedicated to assembly instructions for this model. It is basically all pictorial and will be of great assistance.  

Remove excesses and file/sand where necessary.

Identify the side walls and end walls. Dry fit the interlock corners of one end and one side for test size. Some sanding/ filing may be necessary. A snug square neat fit is what is desired. Once happy with the fit brace and secure the join then let one or two drops of super glue run down the inside corner. All gluing is via super glue unless stated. Let set. Repeat for other corner assembly. Once both corners are set assemble all walls together. Repeat previous fitting process and once satisfied brace, secure and glue one corner at a time allowing the glue to set prior to gluing the next.  All four walls should be neat square and free standing.

Glue into position the end wall panels. The panels fit from the inside of the wall.

Now identify the side wall panels and their variations. Study the photographs especially photos on the Section 8 facebook site under the heading of "assembly of the bluestone goods shed." It is important the positioning of these panels is done correctly.

The side wall furthest from the portal has five plain panels. The side wall closest to the portal has the arrangement of the panels as seen in the pictures. The panels fit from the inside of the wall. Do not glue the wooden door panels. Glue the remainder panels into position.

Paint the wooden door panels and leave aside.

Once these panels are in position place the internal brace inside the building. If it is placed from the top it will sit on top of the panels. Do not glue this brace. It will may be removed before the roof is fitted and is only an aid for assembly.

Identify the four buttress covers and identify the difference in the two types. There should be a pair of two different buttress covers. These are positioned on the end wall at the bottom corners. There is a smooth section amid the bluestones where these fit. Study the area where it is to be positioned and marry with the correct buttress cover. Glue into place.

Identify the 8 gutter supports. These are the small block like pieces. As the name suggests they support the gutter and hence are fitted high on the walls. On the side walls there are columns between the panels. Where these columns meet the roof there will be a gutter support fitted. Inspect the gutter support and you will see one side has an angled surface. This surface is the continuation of the roof line and should be glued into position as such. Glue all eight into position. 

Paint wall assembly.

Paint circular window

Paint the two bluestone arches.

Paint the gutters

Paint the facias

Paint the arched window

Once dry,  fit and glue the circular windows in the end walls were appropriate. They are installed from the inside of the wall. fit and glue the wooden door panels in the side wall and fit and glue the bluestone arches over the top of the wooden panels. Fit and glue the arched window. This window is fitted from the front of the wall and some sanding/filing of the edge may be required. 

To assemble the roof - Identify which way the tiles are running. Lay both sections slate surface facing up with  edges side by side. Leave approximately 2mm between roof sections and apply 2 or 3 strips of masking tape or similar from one section to the other. Align both sections. Lift from the working surface and carefully allow the to two sections to sag and the gap should close considerably. The roof forms a gable. Use roof gables on wall assembly to check fit. Adjustments may be necessary. If so repeat masking tape procedure closing or widening 2mm gap between roof sections. Once satisfied check square and check fit on wall assembly. Once satisfied glue roof sections using superglue gel. Leave for at least 4 hours preferably overnight and let dry in position on wall assembly. Glue points should not be where gables or the masking tape are located. Let dry. Remove tape. Glue in roof braces.

Paint roof assembly

Paint adhesive paper

Roof facias are then glued into place. Position the roof upside down on a work area. The facia sits under the roof against the end of the roof. It should fit neat and square. Once dry the roof can then be glued to the wall assembly. You now have a choice weather to leave the internal brace in position or have it removed.  If you decide to leave it in position check to see if there is sufficient clearance between the roof brace and the internal brace. Glue roof assembly to wall assembly.

Fit gutters by testing length and trim if required. Glue into position onto support blocks and in between facias.

Create the capping/ridging by folding the edge of the adhesive paper to 90 degrees. Place the adhesive strip facing up. Place a steel ruler along where the fold is intended. There should be 3mm or so of the adhesive paper exposed. I use a stanley blade to fold up the exposed edge 90 degrees. Then with the ruler from a line where the cut is required to create the capping/ridging and cut with a hoby knife. Cut the capping/ridging to the required length and peel away the adhesion skin and place into position. Capping/ridging over the facias must be completed before the capping/ridging covers the roof sections.

Your model should be finished.

Send me some photos.