
Platic Parts

Pipe Length

Pipe Cradle x 2

Cast Parts

Footing blocks x 2

Dome pipe ends x 2

3d Printed parts

End pipe fittings x 2

Outlet pipe fittings and flanges x 2

Flat head pipe fittings x 6

Panel of Tapered pipe

Panel of Ring top fittings


Decals x 2 versions

This kit is  generic kit. It is based on types of boilers hauled by Victorian Railway to with the LaTrobe Valley or the Snowy Mountain Hydro Scheme.

The above PDF file template reveals positioning of different fittings into the boiler pipe. Once printed the diagram can be cut out and wrapped around the pipe. Secure with rubber bands etc and the crosses in different colours and positions indicated types of fittings and placements.

Drilling of the fitting locations can be completed first or later. I prefer do do this task first but the modeller must keep track of the position where the PDF file template joins as this is the underneath of the the boiler.

Identify the Dome pipe ends. Position these into the pipe ends and glue. Some sanding and puttying may be required.  Remove the fittings from their tags, plates, etc. Position the fittings using the PDF template or create your own. Glue. Locate on the outlet pipe the concurved shape on one end to fit onto the radius of the pipe. Glue this into position. The other end of the outlet pipe is the flange. Glue this flange into position. On the dome ends are dimples for the locations of the end pipe fittings. Drill and position and glue. Paint.

Paint the Pipe cradle parts and paint the footing block parts. When dry glue the two with the cradle sitting on top of the block. The cradle assembly is attached to the boiler using the QH wagon as the guide. The cradle is placed on the wagon deck above the middle axles of the bogies. The boiler then sits on the cradles and there is the position. Glue.

Apply decals either using the display model or peruse available websites.

QH Load - Boiler