ZZ Brake Van - ZZ 742.
Check all parts are present - you should have
2 sides,
2 ends,
1 cupola end.
1 steel etch panel.
1 brass etch panel.
2 lengths of styrene angle
1 length of styrene strip
1 ABS machined fish-belly
The modeller requires a Steam Era Models (SEM) Z Van kit. The modeller also requires knowledge how the SEM kit is assembled.
The are some assembly pix on the Section 8 model Railway Facebook page. Its is worth a visit.
Prepare the undercarriage first. Identify the SEM chassis. The fish-belly sits along the centre of the undercarriage. The rebated sections of the machined fish-belly fit snug into the correct position. I recommend the use of tetra glue for gluing all ABS parts. When satisfied glue into position. The angle strips should then be cut to the exact length of the van undercarriage. It is then glued into position along the undercarriage to form the lower part of the C channel or chassis. Position the angle strip adjacent to the bracing along the rebated section. Check out the picture on the facebook page. The thin plastic strip is then used as a brace between the angled strip and the fish-belly. The strip is cut to fit. Identify the brass etch panel. This makes the steps under the C channel or chassis. Identify the brass etch. This are the side steps for the undercarriage. Remove the step from is panel, fold at the fold line to 90 degrees and glue into position against the flat side of the angled strip in a centred position midway between each end. Use super glue for all etched parts.
Prepare the ABS plastic walls for gluing. The engravings should be cleaned of any unwanted plastic residue and flashing. Spend some time with this process. I recommend the use of tetra glue for all ABS plastic gluing. The walls and ends are glued together to form a box. The ends sit over the walls. Therefore the width of the Van is the width of the ends. I use the roof of each part for alignment. Fit and glue the cupola roof keeping enough clearance for the roof. If the modeller desires now is a good time to fit some plastic square plastic tube, or similar, on the inside corners of the box for support. Also I recommend placing some plastic bracing across the inside the body of the van for anchoring the undercarriage and coupling onto. A photo of this internal bracing for the undercarriage and coupling is on page 34 of the above mentioned article. That should take care of the walls etc.
Study the external engraving on the van body. You will find small engravings (approx 3mm) both horizontal and vertical. There are also small holes. This is the area where the modeller is expected to know or learn where the etched parts should be placed. This is easily done either by photographs or SEM instructions. Basically the vertical lines are for the lamp holders and the horizontal lines are for the tail disk and steps. All etch parts are to be glued using super glue. On the etch panel the tail disks and steps are easily identified. The steps require folding 90 degrees on the fold line. The lamp holders are the thin strips (approx 0.8 x 7 mm) These are folded into a Z or dogleg shape. The widest end is the part that is glued to the van body. When satisfied glue etched parts into position. The holes are for the etched handrails. Each handrail has its own place on the model. With care identify where each handrail is positioned. The handrails on the each end of the Van that extend to the edge of the van require trimming. The hole provided is blocked by the adjacent wall. Trim approximately 1mm and test. When satisfied glue all handrails into position Also provided on the etch panel are some small hand rails. These are for the hand rails on the roof etc. of the Van. Only use If the modeller wishes to removed the handrail provisions on the SEM kit and replace them. On the etch panel there are also very small rectangle shapes with tiny holes. These are the handrail plates. I have not used them on my display models and find them too difficult to use. They should only be attempted by the most fastidious modeller. Replacements are usually available if required.
Attach roof and cupola roof.
Attach undercarriage.