Rustic Blacksmith's Barn

Check all parts are present. - You should have seven pieces.

2 x iron roof

1 x side wall (solid)

1 side wall door aperture

1 x front end with aperture

1 x rear end and gable

1 x gable

1 x piece of adhesive paper


Remove excesses and file/sand where necessary.

Side walls overlap front and rear walls so the ends of the front and rear walls need to be reasonably flat for a nice join. Glue all walls together making sure the sides overlap the front and rear. Glue gable on rear wall. I recommend inserting a scrap piece of styrene, cardboard etc. inside the barn for support and stability. DO NOT GLUE. Paint the walls and gables.

Paint the roof section.

Paint the paper. This will be the capping/edging.

Glue 1st roof section to gable using super glue gel. It is immaterial which of the two roof sections you glue first. It would be advisable to file a slight bevel to the peaks of the roof sections to form a closer fit. While the glue is setting on the roof section use the second section of roof to position the 1st section. Use a small piece of masking tape to hold 1st section in place. Let set. Repeat process for second section.

Create the capping/ridging by folding the edge of the adhesive paper to 90 degrees. Place the adhesive strip facing up. Place a steel ruler along where the fold is intended. There should be 3mm or so of the adhesive paper exposed. I use a stanley blade to fold up the exposed edge 90 degrees. Then with the ruler from a line where the cut is required to create the capping/ridging and cut with a hoby knife. Cut the capping/ridging to the required length and peel away the adhesion skin and place into position. Obviously the capping/ridging cover the join between the two roof sections.

All done.