Assembly Instructions
Read these instructions and view the photographs on the Section 8 Model Railway Facebook page posted on 5.2.2021.
As you identify parts ready for assembly clean all flashing etc from the part in preparation.
Identify the chassis and deck. The engravings on the deck must be upermost of the assembly. The chassis and deck should be flush one on top of the other. When satisfied with the positioning glue. QH 2 with have the ends of the chassis and deck flush however the side of the deck will overhang the sides of the chassis. The chassis must be symmetrical within the deck. When satisfied with the positioning glue.
Identify the bolster block. Position the bolster block on the centre beam of the chassis and align the two holes in both. The end of the block furtherest from the kd provision should be flush with the centre beam rebated section. When satisfied with the positioning glue. Glue both bolster blocks.
Identify the perforated brace. Take care clearing flashing etc on these parts. These are positioned across the chassis in the two ruts provided and sit on the chassis braces in between the chassis sides. Do not glue yet.
Identify the centre beam cover plate. The ruts on the underside of the plate accommodate the perforated brace in its position on the chassis. Place into position and when satisfied glue and glue the perforated brace.
Identify the sides and headstock. In the etch panel there are two brass rectangles. approx. 40 x 7 mm. These are waste. In early kits of QH 1 there are three side parts. Two in the panel and one separate. The single one replaces one of the two in the panel. One needs replacing and matters not which is replaced. If your kit only has a panel with the two sides and no single one disreguard.
Identify the correct positioning of the side to the chassis assembly. The fish belly of the side must be to the underside of the model. To adhere the sides to the chassis I have used double sided tape with success, others have used glues. I would recommend priming both sides to be glued with an etching primmer if using glues. The top of the side must be flush with the deck. QH 2 the side is adjacent to the under side of the deck. Carefully trim of file etc., any excess at each end if required. QH 2 has side strips positioned on top of the side brass etch and adjacent under the deck. Careful look at the photographs to assist. Carefully study the strip. There are two types of nodules that hang. The smaller of the two is beveled. The back of the bevel is adjacent to the brass etch side tucked up under the deck. Glue into position when satisfied.
Identify the head stock and the grab rails. Position the grab rails into their position via the locator holes in the headstock. This can be quite difficult. Glue, solder etc. once satisfied. Make sure the back of the headstock is flat and clear of any of the grab rail. Glue double sided tape etc., into position on the chassis assembly. Make sure the headstock is flush with the top of the deck. QH 1 if any of the headstock sits proud of the sides carefully file, sand etc., until flush. QH 2 there should be a small overhand on the sides. Make sure it is positioned symmetrically.
QH 1 has provisions for lashing rings along the sides. Carefully drill .05 mm into the chassis side using the provision in the brass etch as a guide. Then position the lashing rings and glue when satisfied.
Identify the wheel hand brake etch. On this panel there are spare parts. Some would only use one bracket and place the wheel directly onto the bracket and place this into position on the chassis. Others would use both brackets, have the wheel on a thin brass rod and feed through the two brackets. It matter not how you do them. I'll explain the way I assembled them. On the brass panel. There are two types of brackets. Full plate for against the centre beam and cut away plate for against the side of the chassis on the corner angled brace. Fold on the fold line. Position these as close to the headstock as possible as the rod can impede the rotation of the bogie. Use .2 mm wire and attach the wheel. Feed through the provisions in the brackets and glue.
Position decals as per photographs on the usual web sites. To locate where the QH 1 white square decal identifying the brake side is positioned the modeller must study the two sides of QH 1. At each end one side has a lashing ring two mm further from the headstock. This is to provide room for the lashing ring and the decal. It is prototypical.
The two holes in the bolster block are alternatives for anchoring the bogies. Using the ones closest to the centre of the chassis is easiest and gives the bogie more rotation. Using the other would be a nightmare and not recommended.
Good luck and happy modelling.