Identify the etched ring part and the etched flanges. The flanges are positioned into the cradles. See middle top photograph above. The ring later. At the end where the control panel is there are small pipe outlets. Drill a 3.5 mm hole into the pipe 5mm from the end in the vicinity shown in the photographs above. Cut the 3.5 mm tube into small lengths approximately 5 mm long. The visible end will require filling with a putty or similar. Glue the small pipe into position having approximatel 1 to 2 mm exposed. The ring is positioned on the end of the pipe opposite to where the control panel is. Prototypically the ring is red and should be painted prior to gluing into position. Paint the pipe assembly and then attach the ring. The kit includes some red printers vinyl. I would recomment if the modeller intends to apply the red stripes then the tarps should be create as done for this dispaly model. If desired cut lengths of 1mm wide srtrips of the red vinyl. Position as shown above. The vinyl has a peel of backing that reveal a sticky surface on the back. If using the tissue to create tarps then the green tissue should be painted on the non visible side with green paint.
Plastic parts
100 mm length pipe
Pipe end fittings x 2
3.5 mm tube approx 50 mm long
Cast parts
Control panel
3d printed parts
Cradles x 4
Brass Etch
Ring and flange panel
Red printers vinyl
Green and Yellow tissue.
QS load Cylinder etch diagram.rtf
The above link will show the modeller diagrams of the etches and will aid the identification of the parts. This kit represents a prototypical Load. However there generic aspects to the model.
QS 2 Cylindrical load
The tissue then needs to be cut to fit the purpose. Decide where you start and finish the tarp. I recommend the green tarpallows thecradles to be exposed. Trimming the excess of the tissue can be done after it is set. To set the tissue I cover the pipe with glad wrap and have it wrapped as tight as possible. I then position the tissue where it is required. I then paint with pva half with water. Let set and later peel the glad wrap from the inside and the repeat the same of the yellow tissue. Painting on the inside of the yellow tissue is not necessary. There are other methods for setting the tissue. I then put the VR decal as shown. These are not provided in the kit.
Identify the pipe and pipe ends. Set the rebated section of the pipe end into the pipe. This is a tight fit and some work on the two parts might be necessary. Glue. Identify the 3d printed cradles. Study the part and notice the concaved back of the cradle part. This is to accommodate the radius of the pipe. Place the pipe into its position in the wagon. Have the wagon on a firm surface. Where the pipe sits in the wagon locates where the cradles will be positioned. Place the cradle on the top plate of the wagon and 15 mm in from the end of the pipe. This is the vicinity where the cradles should be positioned. When satisfied with the positioning glue. Super glue. Identify the cast control panel part. While the pipe is in position in the wagon on a firm surface position the control panel on the end centred and on the firm surface. Glue.