Span Bolster 6 Wheel
The above links will show the modeller diagrams of the etches and will aid the identification of the parts.
Insert the Kd into position. A wiskers type kd is the most effective. Fasten the etch kd housing over the kd and glue into position. Take care not to jeopardise the swing of the Kds. Then identify the gussets. The location of the gusset is determined by the shape of the bearer. The photographs show the angled gusset adjacent to the angled bearer. The same applies for the rectangular bearer. Position all the gussets and when satisfied glue. There should be a spare gusset or two. On the centre bearer the is a cover plate that sits on the gussets and bearer. See top centre photograph. Glue into position.
This kit doesn't include the 6 wheel bogies. They are available from Section 8 and listed elsewhere on this web site. The modeller requires a Steam Era Bogie wagon brake kit.
Identify the cast span bolster body and the end part. It is important to identify the top and bottom and each end of the body. The bottom is recognised by the v shape in the centre and the top is flat. The Kd end has a flat tongue extending from the bottom and the other end is square ended. The photographs above will help these identifications. The end part is glued to the non kd end as shown in the 1st and 2nd picture. The flat part of the end part is to be flush with the bottom of the body. When satisfied with positioning glue. Super glue.
Identify the etch top plate and the headstock end. Identify the fold lines at the headstock end and carefully fold the headstock to 90 degrees. At the end of the headstock identify the return fold line and the second return fold line. Fold the two returns at 90 degrees. One will tuck under the top plate for stabillity. Once positioned fasten. Check the length of the tongue with the length etch kd housing. Study the pictures below. The bottom left photograph shows the etch kd housing. Some sanding of the tongue may be necessary. They should form a square and flush fit. At the non kd end the top plate is folded slightly to sit on the end part.
Identify the bottom plate. Identify the fold line to contour the v shape of the body. Fold the etch into a similar shape and place into it's poition. When satisfied glue. You will notice toward each end of the bottom plate there are two holes. This is where the bogies are attached. There is a choice of two anchoring points. The one closest to the centre is the recommend. This while being off set makes it easlier to attach the bogies without fouling with the centre axle of the bogie.
Continue on page two
Cast Parts
Span bolster body x 2
Trunnion plate x 2
Bogie mounting plate x 2
Body end part x 2
Brass etch
Top and Bottom plate panel
Detail panel
Plastic Parts
8 small blocks. 3 x 2 x 1.5 mm Staballiser blocks